Deth Specula

What's that up ahead? A signpost on the Information Superhighway ... next stop ... Rock! ... with Deth Specula. Select here to subscribe to the Deth Specula mailing list.

Deth Specula This image appears at the top of each page. Click on it to take you back to this page. (For those with ASCII browsers, you'll see the phrase "Deth Specula").

Deth Specula on bandcamp?

We may have gotten into a wee bit of trouble at camps during our youth, but there's one camp we're a fan of joining, and that's bandcamp. Check out a few of or songs and follow us over at

Deth Specula in Newsweek Magazine & The New York Times!

OK, so it's kind of an incidental reference, but it's National Media! The December 5, 1994 issue of Newsweek noted that Deth Specula was one of the first bands to use the MBone to broadcast a concert. (Tuesday, Aug 23, 1994)

The following JPEG is a scan of the article (170k), reproduced without permission and here is the archived version of the article.

Then, in the Nov 22, 1994 issue of the New York Times, they published this article.

While you're waiting for your drink to arrive, may we suggest the following:
o About the band
- Contact information
- Beautiful band photos
- Band bio
- Like us on Facebook
o Old Events and gigs

o Online music
- A few songs on Bandcamp
- Listen to "Through The Night" (Soundcloud)
- Archive of our old IUMA page
- IUMA's Help Guide (Where to get audio/video players)
o Online videos
- Videos - Promo compilation: Original MPEG (4MB) or More modern QuickTime
- Where to get video players - mpeg_play-2.0.1.tar.gz
- Those without MPEG players can view a single frame snapshot of the clip, just to see what it can look like.
o Catalog of stuff

o Deth Specula fanzine
- Current and back issues of the ASCII fanline mailer
- (Way Future) Deth Specula Comix
o Did you know there is a starship named after us?

Deth Specula Home Page